our products


We show you here some of our products.

Wi Scales: Electronic scale for birds.

  • Designed specifically for poultry farms: Broilers, Breeders, Layers, Rearing, Turkeys, etc.
  • Power through long-life battery.
  • Placement on the farm floor, on the litter.
  • Multifactorial design for parameters obtaining in bird farms, with measurements of values at three levels:
    • - Biometric data:

        + Body weight of the birds.

        + Activity of the birds (measurement and parameterization of bird mobility).

      - Environmental data:

        + Temperature and relative humidity of the poultry housing.

      - Animal Welfare parameters:

        + Control of birds movement (activity / inactivity times of birds in the farm).

        + Luminosity in the farm (measurement in lux and study of light / darkness periods).


Wi Sensors: Multisensory device for birds.

  • Designed specifically for poultry farms: Broilers, Breeders, Layers, Rearing, Turkeys, etc.
  • Can be powered by battery or power outlet.
  • It is not necessary to place it on the litter, so it can have aerial or be attached to the wall.
  • Multifactorial design of obtaining parameters in bird farms, at three levels:
    • - Biometric data:

        + Activity of the birds (measurement and parameterization of bird mobility).

      - Environmental data:

        + Temperature and relative humidity.

        + Atmospheric pressure.

        + Environmental gases.

        + Moisture of the litter.

        + Color.

      - Animal Welfare parameters:

        + Control of birds movements (activity / inactivity times of the birds in the farm).

        + Luminosity in the farm (measurement in lux and study of light / darkness periods).


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