We have sought to achieve the following distinctive features:


No need for power wires or data transmission, resulting in manageable and fully portable devices.


Long-life battery power. It only needs to be recharged every 15 days.


Data transmission via WIFI to the Internet server, where they are treated and displayed in real time.

Adaptative Web Design

For the visualization of results we follow the "responsive" philosophy, since the website is adapted to all terminal types.


Device adapted to the normal conditions of the farm. The system has been designed to achieve the maximum degree of efficiency and fault tolerance so that it does not harm the user experience.


Data obtained from the sensors are checked and filtered before showing them to users.

More information

If you need information, contact us and we will provide it to you. Possibility of requesting a demonstration visit.

From our Blog

Here we will show the topics that we deal with in our companyVisit our blog!

Take care of the environment

created John Snowby Antonio

There we take care of the environment, that is why we work on different projects so that we all live in a better world.

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Another subject

Created by Antonio en Sevilla

Another example of subject that you can add to your blogs.

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Another subject

created by Antonio en Sevilla

Another example of subject that you can add to your blogs.

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Another subject more

Created by Antonio en Sevilla

Here I'll show you another subject more remember that must be related to your subject.

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